Hello Rootabaga Subscribers,
This week we welcome Napa cabbage to our fall produce selections! In the small share this week we have:
Napa Cabbage – Noggins Corner Farm, spray-free
Sweet Potatoes – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
Cortland Apples – Noggins Corner Farm, conventionally-grown
Cluster Tomatoes – Stokdijk Greenhouses, conventionally-grown
Mixed Lettuce – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
Ambercup Squash – Noggins Corner Farm, conventionally-grown
Onions – Noggins Corner Farm, conventionally-grown
The large share has everything above, as well as:
3lbs of cortland apples instead of 2lbs
2lbs of cluster tomatoes instead of 1lb
Parsnips – Noggins Corner Farm, spray-free
Leeks – Noggins Corner Farm, spray-free
Thank you for joining us! See you next week.