Hello Rootabaga Subscribers,
This week we’re bringing you the same delicious bag of fresh Nova Scotian summer produce, but we’re switching up the format. Though I have loved sharing recipes with you for the past 8 months, we’ve decided to simplify the way we share Rootabaga. Everything about the actual produce bags will stay the same as far as pricing, quantity, and the seasonal rotation, but we will no longer be posting a recipe and blog post with the subscription each week. Instead, we will be posting to social media to advertise the bags, share tips on how to use possibly unfamiliar vegetables, and/or share recipe ideas. So if you’re not already doing so, you can follow along with us on Facebook and Instagram (@uprootedmarketcafe). If you’re someone that likes planning and prefers to know ahead of time what is going to be in the subscription each week – not to worry – we will continue to post the produce list here to the Blog section of our website each week. Additionally, there will no longer be weekly emails.
This week the small share has:
New Potatoes – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
Cauliflower – Melvin Farms, conventionally-grown
String Beans – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
Green Cabbage – Country Magic, conventionally-grown
Head Lettuce- Noggins Corner Farm, spray-free
Grape Tomatoes – Stokdijk Greenhouses, conventionally-grown
The large share has everything above, as well as:
Bunched Carrots – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
Radishes – Elmridge Farm, spray-free
We can’t thank you enough for supporting our Rootabaga subscription service, and we look forward to continuing to share a variety bag of affordable seasonal produce with you each week, albeit in a simpler format. If you ever have questions, comments, or concerns about Rootabaga, I’m happy to answer them any time in-store. And our knowledgeable staff are always happy to answer any questions about how to eat specific items or where they’re sourced from.
Thanks again and see you next week,